Leamington Hastings Bowls Club


Leamington Hastings Bowls Club was formed in 1985. The original members turned a piece of rough grassland, owned by the Parish Hall, into our present bowling green.

We remain closely linked to the Parish Hall.

During the summer, April to September, we play friendly matches with many other bowling clubs in Rugby and the surrounding areas both at home and away, on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, or on Saturday afternoons. Our practice evening is on a Wednesday, from 6pm. When members can practice (in bowling terms this is known as a 'roll up').

During the winter, from September to April, we play short mat indoor bowls in the Parish Hall on a Wednesday afternoon from 2pm-4pm.


 We raise our own funds for the upkeep of the bowling green by hosting two skittle evenings and a beef and ham supper each year. These are hugely enjoyable and always well attended.

We are always pleased to welcome new members who may join for either the summer or winter seasons or both


Telephone:- Susan Turner  01788 336913

