It is the intention of Leamington Hastings Parish Hall Management Committee to comply with all relevant health and safety legislation and to act proactively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its own operations and the activities that take place in Leamington Hastings Parish Hall. It will take all reasonable steps to identify and reduce hazards to a minimum, however, all hirers and users must appreciate that their own safety, and that of others, also depends upon their individual conduct and vigilance while using Leamington Hastings Parish Hall.
The Management Committee will endeavour to ensure the premises are maintained in a healthy and safe condition for anyone using them. But, it cannot accept responsibility for the health and safety of the actual activities of individual hirers of the hall except those activities that the Management Committee organise. The Management Committee requires all hirers of the facility to undertake their own risk assessment of the activity they intend to use the premises for and take all reasonable measures to prevent accidents or ill health.
Leamington Hastings Parish trustees, volunteers, users, hirers and visitors are required to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and/or others, and to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with:
the safety requirements and practices set out by the Management Committee;
any policies, hazard and incident log, all safety notices displayed on or around the premises, and in the hall information pack.
The Management Committee has overall responsibility for health and safety at Leamington Hastings Parish Hall.
If anyone using the hall should come across a fault, damage or other accident/incident/situation which might cause injury (that cannot be rectified immediately) they should inform the Chairman or Secretary as soon as possible so that the issue/problem can be dealt with. Also, to complete the Hazard/Incident Log on the Notice Board or in the kitchen. A notice should be placed on any damaged item of equipment warning that it is not to be used due to damage (labels in the information pack), and it should then be placed in the store next to the assessable toilet.
The following people have responsibility for specific items:
First Aid box: Secretary
Fire precautions and checks: Volunteer Accountant
Risk assessment and inspections: Secretary and nominated Trustee
Insurance: Volunteer Accountant
3.1 Fire Precautions and Checks
Fire equipment is inspected by a suitably qualified company annually. Full details of the Fire equipment, maintenance and checks will be detailed in a Fire Plan on the notice board and in hirer information pack.
Those with responsibility for aspects of health and safety will regularly report to the Management Committee, including any accidents, faults, incidents, misuse by hirers or other matters which could affect the health and safety of hall users or Trustees.
The Management Committee will bring this policy to the attention of all Trustees, volunteers, hirers and users, and will provide such support as is necessary to ensure that the policy is effective.
The Management Committee will monitor, review and amend this policy to take account of changes in health and safety legislation and codes of practice.
Policy reviewed: 24.01.22 Next review date: AGM January 2023